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Increased consumption of selenium. Some RNA-containing viruses (hepatitis C, HIV, influenza, SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2, Ebola) use the microelement resources in the body to synthesize their own selenoproteins, contributing to buy floxin online of selenium deficiency. In addition, increased excretion of selenium occurs in burn patients, patients who have been on hemodialysis for a long time. An increased need for the element is experienced by pregnant women, children in the active phase of growth.

It is assumed that the deterioration of the ecological situation contributes to the increase in Se deficiency in many territories.

This leads to depletion of agricultural and fodder crops in selenium, a decrease in the supply of microelements to animals and humans. The group of increased risk for the development of hyposelenosis includes the following categories of the population. Selenium belongs to the group of essential trace elements involved in the regulation of a wide range of vital processes. It is present in about 30 enzymes and selenoproteins that affect the metabolic, antioxidant, hormonal, and immune status.

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The human body contains a total of 10-14 mg of Se. In the largest quantities, the trace element is found in the tissues of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, and testicles. Selenium absorption occurs in the small intestine, to a greater extent in the duodenum. The absorption processes are largely influenced by the use of fat-soluble vitamins, in particular, β-carotene. Se is excreted from the body with urine, excrement, sweat, exhaled air. Selenium deficiency is accompanied by a disorder of ofloxacin and lipid metabolism, accumulation of underoxidized products in the tissues. Liver and kidney dystrophy develops, fibrous and necrotic changes in skeletal muscles and myocardium increase, bone growth is disturbed. The risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes increases, and children experience delayed psychomotor development. With an excess of Se, poisoning develops - selinism, manifested by garlic taste in the mouth, dermatitis, hair loss, brittle nails, convulsions, paralysis.

With a decrease in the concentration of selenium below 20 μg / l, the so-called Keshan disease occurs.

The pathology was first identified in the Chinese province of the same name in 1935, and its cause, selenium deficiency, was established only in 1973. It is assumed that under conditions of selenium deficiency, the cardiotoxicity of Coxsackie viruses increases. Keshan disease is characterized by the development of progressive dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). With an acute onset, the pathology manifests itself with malaise, shortness of breath, dizziness, followed by acute heart failure. cardiogenic shock, fatal arrhythmia, pulmonary edema. In the chronic form, symptoms include shortness of breath, heart flutter, edema, cough with hemoptysis, heaviness in the right side. Formed cardiomegaly and CHF. Lethality reaches 7%.

The etiology of Urov's disease is associated with a deficiency of selenium against the background of an excess of floxin pills elements (manganese, phosphorus).

Pathology proceeds in the form of multiple osteoarthritis. Kashin-Beck disease is characterized by deformity of large and medium joints, contractures, arthralgia, short fingers and short stature. Spondylosis, systemic osteoporosis develops. Already in adolescence, disability is formed. Myocardial dystrophy, gastritis with low acidity, colitis, anemia may also be noted.

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Se deficiency is associated with a high risk of developing hypertension, dyslipidemia, and coronary artery disease. Simultaneous deficiency of ofloxacin and iodine is fraught with severe hypofunction of the thyroid gland. endemic goiter, myxedema in adults, cretinism in children. The combination of selenium, vitamin C and tocopherol deficiency is a risk factor for the development of cataracts, age-related macular degeneration and blindness. Older people with hyposelenosis, hypozincosis, reduced levels of ascorbic acid, vitamin E and beta-carotene in plasma are more likely to have memory loss and other cognitive impairments.

one medical passportThe daily need for selenium is negligible compared to other trace elements, but its deficiency leads to major troubles, which can subsequently adversely affect health. Selenium occupies a key position in ensuring the normal functioning of the immune system and the thyroid gland. It is part of more than 30 biological compounds of the body, takes an active part in metabolic processes, and neutralizes toxic substances. It is one of the most powerful antioxidants.